At the foot of the Cross

At the foot of the Cross

Saturday, September 3, 2011

(4) Disciple and Matthew 7: GREAT EXPECTATIONS!

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All Resources Download from here: Lesson1.doc
PowerPoint, Teaser Video "The Hidden Treasure" : Tangled_1.wmv

Many judgment scenes in the New Testament paint a picture of a great and terrible day when souls stand before the judgment seat of God and every knee is bowed and every heart is humbled at the presence of the Glory of the Almighty God. Yet in Matthew 7 starting in verse 21 and following, we see a quite different scene about some folks with great expectations and renown audacity before the throne of God.

• They believed in the “Lord”.

• They acknowledged Him as “Lord”…they did not hide their faith or deny His Lordship. They were not shy about claiming Him as Lord.

• They called upon His name in faith.

• They had given their lives in service to Him…”did we not do great works in your name?” They had busied themselves with service and projects.

• They gave God the glory…they did not take the glory to themselves.

• They were brave during a time when most people at judgment day fell on their faces in shame and fear. They approached the throne of the Almighty God and begged to differ with His Judgment on them.

• They EXPECTED to be SAVED.

Yet, God tells them, “Depart from me, I NEVER KNEW you, because you are outside my will." They were outside the law of Christ.

God did not say:

---- “I knew you once, as one of my sheep, but you left my fold.” (Luke 15:4)

----“I once knew you but now you belong to Satan.” (1 Timothy 1:21)

----“You once were on fire for me, but now you are lukewarm” (Rev 3:16).

----“I knew you but you fell away” (Hebrews 3:12 & 6:6)

----“I knew you, but you have left your first love.” (Rev 2:4).

God did not call them liars: He did not say, “You are liars. You never did great works in My Name.” These people probably did keep themselves very busy in many religious rituals and programs. They, more than likely, did spend their lives working and serving in a church. They had confidence in the service they had given in Christ’s name.

Yet, the Lord of Glory said, “Depart from me. I NEVER KNEW YOU”.

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE: How is it possible that the religious believer, working zealously for the Lord has never been moved from the state of alienation to the state of Sonship; from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light, from being a stranger to the state of BEING KNOWN by God?

Give Scriptures and a short answer about how and why this scene is possible and how a believer might avoid this scene on the Last Day. How do we become KNOWN by God?

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