At the foot of the Cross

At the foot of the Cross

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lesson 4: Crazy Love - Its Not about Us, Its about HIM

Who's Story is it Anyway?

This lesson is a reflection of Crazy Love Chapter 2 and Transcend Chapter 2.


John 4:35 -Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.

James 4:12-17  -12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy; but who are you who judge your neighbor?

13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” 14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.” 16 But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil. 17 Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.

From these two sections of Scripture we glean the following thoughts:

--We have work to do in the Vision of God. He has a harvest and this work can NOT wait.

Initially the James 4:12-17 verses seems to have same random thoughts within the text, but with a little digging we can see what James is communicating. His main point is verse 35. God has a plan for us and this is how we accomplish it:

  • We refrain from judging. Our work is loving.

  • We refrain from trying to make our own plans, when God has already set forth a plan.

  • We make sure our schedules sync with the Vision of God. Our mission is not "in addition to what we want to do", it is always in conjunction with our daily schedule.

  • Our time on earth is short and therefore our work must concentrate on the Vision of God.

  • If we decide we are in control, we are arrogant and evil.

  • THEREFORE, since we KNOW these things, to not DO them is sin.

Is this a radical way of life?   Well, what do you think?

 If we are truly follows of Jesus, then what He says takes us to a whole new place, a new road, a narrow road. This requires, perhaps, losing our identity as a follower of consumerism, popularity, or status. Actually attending to what was important to Jesus and following His plan for our lives helps us to gain the identity of a true disciple of Christ.

After all, it is not about us, it is about Him.

Keep asking, "What's Next, Lord?" and be open to Him when He answers. (From: "My PLANS") Remember that HE wants to walk with you every step of the way. He rarely gives us detailed long-term plans because He wants us to be wholly dependent upon His leading.

He did not give detailed long-term plans to:

--Noah "build a boat"

-- Abraham "leave your home country"

--Moses "go to Pharaoh, meet Me in the wilderness"

--Disciples "come, follow me"

Why does our King not give detailed long-term plans to His followers? 

If we understood exactly what Christ had in store for us, could we not go on our way without being dependent on Him moment by moment. He wants us to trust Him as He leads us each step of the way. Its not about the details, its about trusing in Him.

Francis Chan talks about making a big deal when you have a bit part in a movie. Our part in the scheme of redemption is so minute that it might be likened to being an extra in a movie with a 2-second walk-on. We dramatize our lives and often make ourselves out to be the main character. But looking at the big picture, who is this drama truly about?

When we can praise and glorify our Savior in our everyday communication, when we can EXPOSE (Transcend) others to the Light, we are exactly the type of radical that walks the narrow road.

"Understanding our journey and relationship with God can help shape how we communicate to others" (Transcend chapter 2)

If you were going to EXPOSE someone to the the thing you love and enjoy the most, how would you do it? Hand them a pamphet, a book, make them take a class on it?...Well, not initially! Initially, you would build their interest, EXPOSE them to the joy and excitement before you asked them to begin a more indepth journey.

This week we want to practice EXPOSING others to the Light, sharing our King with those who are most receptive. We have two handouts that will help you decide who you know that would be ready for this exposure. Please download and read these two handouts.

--Shoot First

RULE OF THUMB: "Oftentimes, it's only after knowing something about a person that the Holy Spirit will guide you to speak some Gospel truth that actually connects with their lives and renders them open to hear more. It's better to plant a seed that takes root than to try and ram a full-grown tree down into the soil with no prep. Even it's only something small, you have no idea what the seed will sprout into." Trust God to bring the increase!


--Read Chapters 3 in both Crazy Love and Transcend
--Ask your Study Buddies to pray with you this week in preparing your top 5 to receive the EXPOSURE to the Light
--Come up with 7 questions you need answered before you "share" in depth the Gospel with someone.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lesson 3: Transformed by Crazy Love - "What are you Steppin' in?"

What are we steppin’ in?

1 John 1:7 " but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin"

Also consider:  

John 12: 42Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; 43for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.”

We walk either in light or darkness and exhibit a corresponding testimony to the world.

The difference between walking in the light and walking in darkness is that Light has a testimony with a high view of God. That testimony reflects peace, joy, love, tenderness, mercy, forgiveness. The dark testimony takes after Satan who is a liar and accuser. He came into Eden tempting Eve to feel discontent. Therefore the dark testimony whines, complains, is full of strife, contention, points fingers, distrusts the working of God in the world and relies of self and self-interests; is prideful and full of lust for the pursuit of one’s own happiness in this world.

Pursuing the American dream is not the same thing as pursuing after God nor is there democracy found in a Kingdom. Kingdom people are slaves in purpose but free in spirit! Kingdom people have a testimony of true peace, mercy, grace, joy, and love. Their witness is powerful because they transcend the cares of this world through the Spirit of the Living God. They are stepping in the Light as they look always upward. (Mark 4:9, Galatians 5:22-26)

To complain, point fingers, accuse, stir up strife, distrust the working of God in the world, to rely on self or self-interests, to be prideful in our own accomplishments or those of other men, full of lust for the pursuit of happiness or status in this world or to chase consumeristic idealism is the testimony of those who step in darkness. (1 John 2:16)

What are we steppin' in?
A high view of God acknowledges His power, grace, mercy, and long-suffering towards us. We confess Him to the world regardless of opposing laws, peers, or circumstances. We stand amazed in His Presence, moment by moment, step by step. We practice being in awe of Him. We remain sensitive to His promptings. We give Him glory in all things. We exhibit trust in Him even while living in a world full of chaos and unwise men.
We recognize that if we walk in the Light, we have fellowship—community with those who practice the high view of God. We become peacemakers yet challenge one another to love and good works. We spur each other onward and upward. We share our faith experiences and provide mentoring where it is needed, compassion where it is needed, support where it is needed; loving service where it is needed.
What are we steppin’ in when we are out of sync with the Vision of God?
If we walk in the Light, we are not absorbed in just fellowshipping and serving the saints. We look outward to the fields white for harvest. We walk by stepping out in faith (unseen, uncharted territory) to answer the commission of Christ and to meet the world where it lives.

One cannot truly mature without a community of faith. Being a part of the body is where we find our challenges for all the “one another” commands. Recluses on mountain tops cannot become servants sitting by themselves. But being only associated with the body does not serve the purpose of our commission. We must reach out, go out, and expand beyond the confines of the fellowship of saints in order to participate as a partner with God in the harvest.
If we walk in the Light, Christ’s blood continually cleanses us from all sin. I am amazed at how many “conditional” statements we choose to ignore in Scripture. God’s promises have always been conditional, though His love for us is unconditional. Our covenant relationship with Him requires a proper response and submission (Romans 8:13). We often get blasé and lazy in our reverence and respect for His Will. “IF” is used over 1500 times in Scripture for conditional promises.
We can know we are saved step by step, IF we walk in the Light. Please keep examining your steps. This is not a yoyo salvation, it is God’s way of asking you to walk in trusting relationship with Him.  We will sin and we will fall, but we don’t stop trusting in the One who loved us enough to provide a continual cleansing. If we were perfect, we would not need a continual cleansing. Praise be to God! Because He provides not only for cleansing past sins but for future one’s as well. 
What are we steppin’ in?
 May we all spend time this week walking in the Light….stepping out in faith (unseen, uncharted territory) for the cause of Christ and the Vision of God. May we practice being in awe of God by acknowledging His power in our life. Guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus and guard your testimony!
Read Chapter 2 Crazy Love
Read Chapter 2 Transcend
Pray for 5 people you would like to see come to Christ.
Start planting seed.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lesson 2: Transformed by Crazy Love

More than just Your Head in the Game...

It's true, many a player has been told, "get your head in the game" because they seem to lack focused attention on their mission. Many people claiming to be Christ followers also seem to lack focused attention on their mission. The cares of this world have drawn their concerns and priorities away from the "one thing" (1 Corinthians 10:33, Matthew 28:18-19, Luke 19:10) which is a reflection of the greatest thing. (Luke 10:27)

HOWEVER, even with those who have their "head in the game", it takes more. Players who sit on the side lines and who know everything about "the game" but who refuse to actually get into the game, have no future except to be dropped by their coach.

It takes more than wishing, hoping, and praying to be in the army of The Lord, it takes humility and commitment to follow the marching to the orders. It takes walking in the Light. It takes loving Christ and others which is doing the Will of the Father. It takes partnering with God on "The Mission."

Too many of us have our head in the game, but not much else. "Why call me, Lord, and do not the things that I say?"

Timely message sent to me this week:
"There is a difference between believing something is beneficial and opening up your heart, mind and life to let that beneficial thing in," Geof Morin of the American Bible Society (ABS)…..”Some people view reading the Bible as taking your medicine rather than a life-changing encounter with God."

Crazy Love - Chapter 1 - Stop Praying

"Sometimes we struggle with how to properly respond to Majesty of God" and consequently what results amounts to ignoring Him or merely tolerating the thought of Him. These are the responses we see from much of the world. To go beyond the the spiritually anemic status quo may be challenging in the present world....not because of persecution, but because of being noticed, being unique, or being different or "bucking" the system.

We are often more concerned about our own image than we are about becoming the image of the Son of God. We are often more concerned about our human schedules, "to do lists" for each day than we are about prioritizing Kingdom concerns each day. Let's be honest, if He is the Vine and we are the branches, then we truly have His mission flowing through our veins. If we are withered branches, He will cut us off.   

How does one respond to the Great I AM?

LISTEN: There can be little relationship with one who does not listen. God is speaking, calling, commissioning, setting up spiritual events, arranging encounters & conversations, and providing opportunities for each one of His followers. Are we attentive or just too busy?

MEDITATE: Keeping our mind fully engaged in the Will of God and sensitive to His calling does not mean we sit on a mountain top. Rather, it may only mean that we tune out the noise of this world while we are in our car, at lunch, on our break, or during a dedicated time so that we can allow the Spirit to strengthenn our inner self.

Too often, we plan vacations, retirement, parties, sports events, and graduations with more sensitivity and purpose to details than we do Kingdom concerns.

LOVING PRAISE: If we truly attempt to contemplate with our feeble minds the awesomeness of God and His great mercy towards us, we can only respond in praise and love. We will proclaim Him among the nations, to all people, all types, in all settings. If He is the Vine and we are the branches, we live to be IN HIM and FOR HIM.

PURPOSE BEFORE THE THRONE: If we have a loving covenant relationship with God, then we understand our position in the Universe as servant of the one true God. We have been commissioned by Him for the "one thing" to reflect the greatest thing. The way we order, prioritize, and spend our time and efforts completely changes. Our identity as "branches" gives us purpose--bearing fruit through His power. There have been many sermons on what the nature of this fruit might be...but I like these two passages:

Titus 3:14 --And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful.

2 Peter 1:6-8 And to knowledge add self-control; and to self-control patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things be in your, and abound, they make you neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Anyone who lacks them is blind and shortsighted, forgetting the cleansing of past sins.

Our purpose must include the Vision of God for our lives, the commission for the "one thing" to reflect the greatest thing. The follower of Christ commits lovingly to a journey of development where Christ takes over heart, mind, soul, and strength and we respond by submitting to that process.

Ministry describes our roles as the people of God. We have gotten too accustomed to letting "staff" do the work each Christian was called to do. We have grown up lacking the skills or confidence to bring our witness of Christ's glory to the world.

Matt Smay asks this question in Transcend (Chapter 1),

"How do we help people shake off the cultural values of independence and consumerism and replace them with an insatiable need to love and serve others while growing each day to be more like Jesus?"

How do we become followers....those who walk in His foot steps of ministry and mission to the world?

We submit! God help us to turn our selfish lifestyles in to servant lifestyles.

Lord remove the fleshly formula that the American pursuit of happiness has placed over our eyes. Renew in us a right spirit and a glorious sense of purpose.

(1) What are some consumeristic traits that I have that might be keeping me from being an effective "branch?"

(2) What priorities have I put first, in front of Kingdom concerns?

(3) How much time this week did I spend contemplating the deeper things of the Kingdom?

(4) What did I ask in prayer this week that did not fall under the "first thing" category?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Lesson 1: Crazy Love Introduction


Transformed by Crazy Love:  Introduction


A Perverted View of the Kingdom

Text: Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Meditation Scripture:  Psalm 19:14 “ Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”

Prayer:  Oh most gracious God, please teach my mind to be still and know that you are ever present. Help me to realize that you are worth unplugging and being silent for your wisdom in a noisy world. Teach me to listen and to meditate. I am no less needy than Christ who sought prayer time in the wilderness. Give me the strength to lay my burdens at your feet and to refuse to pick them up again because I trust in only You.

Grant me recognition of your Presence, the joyous life I have in You, and a vision of the victory to come! Help my lips to be used solely for your praise and as salt to a decaying world. Raise my awareness to the Heavenly realm and take my eyes off of the mundane, insignificant tasks that I often put in the place of the main thing - serving you.  Help me to be absorbed in your mission and crazy love towards all of mankind!

The Big Idea: Recognizing the Awesome Love of God will Transform the way we Prioritize our Lives.

Twitter Notables:

(1)    Learning to see the Presence of God moment by moment changes the way we walk moment by moment

(2)    Acknowledging the true nature of the King and the Kingdom is paramount to transcending discipleship (John 6:66)

(3)    The real challenge for followers of Christ is not learning a new concept or verse. It is how to meaningfully apply what we already know!

Characteristics of God: List as many characteristics of God as you can in small groups. Take about 5 minutes and then share your answers.

Study Buddy Assignments: (Cards – Handouts) Two Copies


Our God is an awesome God! This word “awesome” should be reserved for our God and Him only because He is much more that we can even fathom. We often suffer from spiritual “amnesia” as we go about our mundane tasks each day. We forget to be moved by His Presence or even remember that He has come down to us to make His home inside of us.

We forget to be the “temple” of the living God and to serve the purpose of the temple, to praise Him with our hearts, minds, soul, and strength. So many other interests consume us and take over our schedules. To combat this lack of “God awareness” on our part, we need to dedicate time in meditation and prayer, study and application, and praise and creative proclamation of His glory each day. Begin by making a special time for “renewing” your mind and then pray for God to train our hearts to be in tune with Him moment by moment, step by step. .

“God is bigger than we think!” Yes, it is true that we cannot fathom all that God is, but the Bible promises that we can grow in our knowledge and understanding of God.


1 Corinthians 2:10 9 but just as it is written,

“Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard,
And which have not entered the heart of man,
All that God has prepared for those who love Him.”


10 For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.”

Eph 3:18-19:  that you…”18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know (ginosko- Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse) the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge (gnosis-deeper, advanced wisdom), that you may be filled (cram a hollow) up to all the fullness of God.”

Notice that to be filled with the fullness of God we must be hollowed out, emptied, humbled, selfless and submissive.

THINK: Do we have this type of knowledge and understanding of God? The word “knowledge” here in Eph 3:18-19 represents the kind of “knowing” that Adam and Eve had in the garden…intimate love.  When we consider that the Supreme God of the Universe has made Himself available to us for that type of “knowing”, we must be in awe of this loving God.

“We all know something‘s wrong” and should be praying diligently for revival for all those who claim to wear the name of Christ. Soooo much of our collective salt has lost not only its ability to serve its purpose, but even the desire to serve its purpose.  Why do you think that is?

Resource FYI: 

Perverted Views of the Kingdom

 Ok, we are going to get down and dirty here….not to make anyone feel guilty but, as Jeremiah the weeping prophet would have done, to wake up a sleeping, lukewarm, entertainment-seeking Kingdom. Somehow we translated our mission as Christians into a check list of Do’s and Don’ts. If we went to church each week, partook of the Lord’s Supper, avoided drinking, drugs, sex, and swearing, we were pleasing to God.  As Chan points out, if we failed at any of these we felt guilty and distant from God. (p 19 eBook version)


(1)     Matthew 13:24

--The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.

--There will be tares among the wheat

A perverted view of the Kingdom has too often resulted in many of our young adults leaving the church because they were looking for a reality, a relationship, a purpose, a mission, a crusade to dedicated their lives to, not a check list. Our perverted view of the Kingdom has often resulted in stunted personal growth and a diminishing of outreach, evangelism, and mission-minded disciples.  We have often loved the status quo and tradition more than we have love the mission of God.

WOE to those who become stumbling blocks to others in the Kingdom.

(2)    Matthew 13:31

--"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;

--From a small seed grows a  great Kingdom through POWER of God -- not by our power!


 A perverted view of the Kingdom holds that “we do our best and God will do the rest” when in truth we can do NOTHING outside the power of the living God. This perverted view praises self and others for accomplishments for honor which should only be given to God. It is through Him that we move, and breath, and have our very being. 


It is this view that seeks the talents of men to uphold congregation numbers instead of seeking the blessing of God through His Holy Spirit to empower all His saints. It is this perverted view that we forget to pray first and seek His Will before we plan and implement missions in His Name. It is this perverted view that takes us down the path of destruction: “For there is a way that seems right unto a man, but the way there of is death.”

(3)    Matthew 13:33:

--"The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in the three pecks of flour until it was all leavened."

--God will increase His Kingdom even while we are unaware of it....but He wants us to be His missionaries! 


A perverted view of the Kingdom is that we are an audience with paid staff to do the work of evangelism and missions. As Chan so eloquently puts it, “Disciples disciple.” No one can take the place of each and every disciple affecting the daily contacts God has placed in their path. Although we model the Christian life, souls are brought to the Lord through the testimony of our lips. Faith comes by hearing, NOT by seeing.


We have ALL been commissioned to be missionaries (Matthew 28:18-20). Without a mission, we cannot call Him,” Lord.” (Matthew 7:21-23; 2 Corinthians 5:18-19) This perverted view believes (not through words, but through actions) that we were saved to sit on a pew. AND we need to make sure that do not just serve those who sit in the pews. Yes, we need to be careful that the “church” does not merely look inward.  We need to see ourselves as missionaries to those outside of Christ.


(4)    Matthew 13:44:

--"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid again and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field."

--Those who truly find the Kingdom will make it their supreme priority in life.


A perverted view of the Kingdom includes the idea that we need to keep studying before we reach out to the lost. From Acts 2 onward we see that those who took the Gospel into the known world actually knew very little, they did however intimately “know” Christ as Lord. “Christ is Lord” was their testimony and that was enough.

The perverted view of the Kingdom maintains that winning souls for Christ depends upon our knowledge and understanding of Scripture. When in truth, God’s Spirit is actively opening hearts to the Gospel before we even recognize it (Act 16:14) AND our commission is to plant the seed in community with those who will water (network fishing) It is God who gives the increase.

When one comes to Christ this is a victory celebrated by the Angels in Heaven because God’s Word does not return to Him void. This victory should be our most significant celebration! To make light of this event, to gloss over this event, to minimize the impact of this event is serving Satan and not Heaven.


Matthew 13:45:


--"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls..."

--The kingdom of heaven is priceless to those who are Kingdom people, not traded for riches, fame, idolatry, possessions, entertainment, status, or other pursuits which they believe will make them happy. 


We need to stop singing, “Send the Light” and start motivating each other to “Take the Light”. God calls those who are busy to leave their “nets”--their business, in order to do His Will.

(5)    Matthew 13:47:

--"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea, and gathering fish of every kind..."

--The kingdom of heaven will be shared with those who look and act like us and with those who DO NOT!


A perverted view of the Kingdom is that we are to be the judges of the world. Often we think we are to “defend” ourselves from those who are sinful and evil. This is the Pharisaical view of the “church”. As the term “church” is not in the transcripts of Scripture until after Constantine, we need to refrain (if possible) from using this term.


We, the called out of the Kingdom, have but one attribute and that is to LOVE one another and the lost.  We were called out to be CONFORMED into the image of His Son. We, the called out, are SENT OUT into the world to share the grace, mercy, and love of Christ just as He did. We, the called out, are servants of Christ, the hands of Christ, to be compassionate and caring for those who are in need, especially those who do not LOOK like, ACT like or SMELL like us. We, the called out, are commissioned to GO instead of requiring others to COME.

Matthew 18:23:

--" For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his slaves..."

--Slaves in the Kingdom are forgiving as they have been forgiven

We are commissioned to GO where the sinful and the lost ARE, which will often become uncomfortable for many of us. But we were never called INTO comfort, safety, or convenience. We cannot serve those we condemn. We cannot save those we gossip about or defame. We all fall short of the Glory of God. And the world will KNOW us by our LOVE. Get OFF the throne of judgment and put yourself on the cross of service to a dying world. We are ALL on MISSION!

(6)    Matthew 18:1:

--"At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, "Who then is the greates in The kingdom of heaven?"

--The kingdom of heaven is for the humble slaves of the Great "I AM"


A perverted view of Kingdom is that God wants His saints to practice a false reverence (false piety) that serves only Satan. False reverence can be seen in Matthew 6, and is actually the one thing that upset Christ the most…outward appearances that were void of inward spirituality (full of dead man’s bones).  Please allow me to share a take-away from Beth Moore. One of Satan’s tasks is to transform us into either being useless for the cause of Christ or into a co-worker with Satan. One of Satan’s missions is to “mute” the lips of the believer.

Matthew 23:13 WOE TO YOU!:

--Woe to you! Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the Kingdom of Heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in."

--"Legalism and false piety will take you straight to Hell.


When reverence is interpreted as complete silence or short answer, who is please? Christ proclaimed, “even the rocks will cry out!” Witnessing among the brethren as well as among the nations is paramount for building faith and pleasing God.

We see in the first chapter of Romans that Paul desired to meet with (among) the Saints in Rome in order to be strengthened and encouraged by “the other’s faith.” This isn’t done in a vacuum. This is done when we meet together and when we practice the “one another” Scriptures including witnessing to one another. 

Romans 1:12 that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine.

How do I know that your faith will strengthen me unless you witness to me about what God is doing in your life? We miss great opportunities to be touched by what the power of God is doing in our community of faith because we cling to a “false” sense of reverence. We have taken the verse “in decency and in order” completely out of its original context – that of having multiple speakers, multiple witnessing, multiple prophets, multiple tongues.

We have deleted multiples of these activities from our services and we rarely have any interactivity. This does not represent the scenes we see portrayed in the first century. No one in our services would dare to cry out, “Men and brethren what shall we do?!?” What a pity!!

Further: If we do not allow brethren to witness in the presence of true believers, how well do you think they will witness in the world among scoffers? We must EQUIP the saints to verbalize their testimonies one to another so that they become ready to testify in the world (3 John 1:3-4)

NOTE: Five-finger sermons were very popular back in the day when traveling preachers came through once a month and they wanted you to remember their last sermon. It was also a time when not very many people could read or had a copy of the Scriptures.

As a community of faith that has every Biblical aid and every answer at our finger tips, it should be an opportunity to mature in our understanding of God’s will and to seize the truths beyond the five-finger approach to faith, conversion, worship, etc. 

There are MORE than 5 steps to salvation: One which should have been included all along is 1 Peter 3:15, “Sanctify Christ as Lord of your heart”. Until we have placed Him on the throne of our heart, we are still walking in darkness. Confessing Christ is appropriate, but even demons believed & confessed Him.  Being baptized is appropriate, but even Simon the Sorcerer was baptized, yet in danger of Hell.  Therefore, being transformed is essential. Do you see my point?

Are there MORE than 5 acts which should be performed as worship? Well, of course there are! These include motivating one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:25), serving those in need (Romans 12:1-2) confessing our sins one to another, praising God through our testimonies one to another, and so many more. Learning what is expected of us during the assembly should be a personal study for each member of the Lord’s body. The worship assembly, as others have said before me, “should be where Saints get their marching orders.”.

(7)    Matthew 9:36: Lord of the Harvest

--"Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. The He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."

A perverted view of the Kingdom is that the King does not care if we only surrender just an hour a week to His service. It is popular, not in word but in deed, to sprinkle a little Jesus on our lives and then go about doing as just as we please, thinking as we please, confronting the world as we please. Unless we become slaves of the King, we needn’t bother with any semblance of serving Him. 

Unless He directs each and every step, we are foolish in our understanding of His desire for our lives.  Unless we take up our cross daily, we cannot be His disciple. Unless we lose our lives, we cannot be His disciple. Christ calls for all or none. Romans 12:1-2 lets us know that this Kingdom requires a transformation, a daily renewing of our minds, a selfless serving submission because God has given us His indwelling Spirit to guide us.


There are those who believe that have “enough God.” What more could they possibly do for God? Perhaps they have filled their time with all kinds of ministries, none of which include their “first love”,  Christ’s commission, God’s reason for bringing them into the Kingdom (Matthew 7:21-13). Busy work does not gain favor with God.


(8)   A perverted view of the Kingdom is that we are at the mercy of earthly circumstances, political figures, armies, enemies, or foes of the church. Brethren, we walk in the Kingdom of God. We have been translated to the Heavenly realm. We have the protection of our Supreme God and Father. Our Savior has a plan for our lives.


Kingdom people trust God in ALL things, rejoice in all things. We don’t vocalize our fears or anxieties to a darkened world as this defeats our testimonies. We pray in agreement over life’s situations and then trust God to bring about His desired Will. If we can’t trust, then please don’t sing, “It is well with my soul!”

 (9)    Matthew 18:3-4:

 --"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

--The kingdom of heaven is for those who are truly "converted", "transformed", "changed" into the image of our Lord.

A perverted view of the Kingdom is that we can bring up children in the world and they will “inherit” the Kingdom by osmosis. When we pursue a consumeristic life-style with all other worldly interests, entertainment, and relaxations and spend all our time and energy teaching our children how to be successful and popular in the world, we should not expect that one day they will wake up to be committed servants of Christ.

No one wakes up one day and becomes a concert pianist. It takes years of teaching, mentoring, practicing, and pursuing a goal to become a concert pianist. Our children more than likely will not wake up one day and decide they want to become a true disciple who disciples others, if they were not taught to prioritize their time in the service of Christ.

 Matthew 19:23:

 --"Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

--Americans are going to have to take extra precautions to assure that they are Kingdom people. We are richer than 97% of the world's populations.  

Soooo many parents regret the short time they have with their children and realize tooooo late that they focused on every kind of activity except those activities which spiritually developed their children. You don’t become a concert pianist by practicing 1 hour a week. You don’t become grounded in real trust and love of God by being exposed one hour a week to Biblical teaching.  Church statistics (and Scripture) tell us that young adults will fall away because of spiritual anemia if they were only fed on Sundays and Wednesday nights.

Matthew 22:2:

We often brag about all the activities our children are involved. We recognize their success in school, sports, extracurricular activities without any reference to the miles stone they may be making spiritually. A maxim we use in education is “what is rewarded is repeated”. Acknowledging spiritual goals and objectives we have set for ourselves and our children can become ways of helping the value their spiritual growth. 

Matthew 25:1:

--Parable of the 10 virgins, 5 who....

(1) Lost their first love - energy to shine their lights to the world. Lost their love of the Bridegroom and lost their testimony.

(2) Became tired and lazy about renewing their lamps (daily renewing of their minds by the Holy Spirit)

(3) Became "pew sitters" content to "sit and wait" instead of GOING!


Being toooooo busy is a figment of our imagination! What we find as a necessity may not make a hill of beans difference in eternity. In fact, if this business takes my family’s attention off their service to Christ, it more than likely will make a world of difference in eternity!


Although my understanding of Scripture ( )would keep me from recommending that you use the phrase, “I so proud of you”, referring to a child’s accomplishments…I do think we can express our joy in what the Lord’s Spirit is producing in their lives.

Children need to find their identity in Christ before they identify themselves as a cheerleader, band member, football player, pianist, etc. Family and peers should recognize them as Christian first and all other characteristics as minor. Building a child’s self esteem is not as important as building a servant of the Most High God. Developing a child’s abilities, talents, and specialties should never take the place of developing a child’s love for the King and Kingdom work.

Revelation 11:15:

--"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever."

--Nobody goes to Heaven who doesn't want to! If we are not Kingdom People first on earth, we will not be Kingdom people in Heaven.

Paul was a tentmaker, but you never heard him identify himself as such. He was, “Paul, a servant of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Kingdom people share that recognizable characteristic with Paul. We cannot call Christ, “Lord” (Master) without identifying ourselves as His slaves. Help your children to build their identity through their relationship to Christ.


--Our love for Christ and His Kingdom and God and His Plan might seem crazy to those who are in darkness.

--We are called to be radical, holy, set-apart, slaves of God who reaches down from the Holy of Holies to grant us a position in the Heavenly Realm.

--Kingdom people are unique. They do not look like, talk like, or act like the world. They are salt and light to those who are decaying and in darkness.

We will continue to uncover perverted views of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Kingdom as we work through this study.


 VIDEO: Introduction (2:10)

AUDIO: (5 minutes) – Find something you can share easily and well.

Our life experiences are not as important as our God experiences. External circumstances and past situations ( being abused as a child, betrayed by a loved one, victories, defeats, gains or losses) should not determine who we are as much as how God is molding us in our inner-man through the power of His Spirit because we have dedicated quality time in pursuing Him.
If our outward circumstances have determined more of how we respond in this world, then we have not spent enough quality time dedicated to communing with God. Some of us are like a cheap dates, intimate for only short periods of time, when God desires to have a deep, extensive, and fulfilling relationship with each one of us.
Dedicate Quality time in pursuing God, for God is NEAR! Learn what this crazy love is all about.



(1)    Listen to : 1 for 1 CD First Lesson 

(2)    Read Transcend: Chapter 1

(3)    Read Crazy Love: Intro & Chapter 1


(1)Write down 5 people you want to see become Kingdom people. Begin praying for them every day.

(2) Write down a way for you to share the Gospel story in 5 minutes (the steps to Peace with God). How would you explain it? DON’T MISS this assignment! Bring it to class.

·         Telling your own conversion story


·         You can use analogies of, “the bridge” between man and God


·         7 Colors (Green for Garden of Eden, Black for Turning back on God, Yellow for Christ the Light of the World, Red for His blood on the Cross, Blue for our baptism into His cleansing blood, White for our sins washed away, Gold for walking in the Light until we are taken into Heaven)


·         Circle Scriptures (start anywhere, end anywhere):


o   1 Thess 1:7-9 – we must KNOW God (intimately) and obey the Gospel


o   1 Corinthians 15:1-3 – What is the Gospel? Death, burial, and resurrection of Christ


o   Romans 6:3-11 – How can we obey the Death, burial, and resurrection of Christ?


o   Gal 3:26-27 – Being clothed in Christ keeps us from the wrath to come and affords us all the Spiritual Blessings in Christ


o   Eph 1:3-end of chapter – What are the spiritual blessings in Christ? Can we have any of these outside of Christ?


o   Acts 22:16 – Why do I need to call on God when I am baptized?


o   Col 2:12 If I must be in Christ to receive all spiritual blessings, how to I get into Christ? Why do I need faith in the working of God in my baptism? What work does God do in baptism?


o   Luke 3:21-22 – What 5 things happened in Christ’s Baptism that will also happen in ours (He is our example)


o   1 Peter 3:15 – What response must I have to the sacrifice of Christ?


o   1 Peter 3:21 – If I place Christ on the throne of my heart, confess Him with my mouth, and obey His death, burial and resurrection, I am saved.


o   Romans 12:1-2 – My life in Christ will be a life of submission, transformation, and service.


o   Titus 3:5-7 The Holy Spirit through the Word will transform me by the renewing of my mind. I will be a new creature in God’s Kingdom


·         Egg Cartoon:  Broken Egg, Descending Egg, Sacrificed Egg, New Egg, Redeemed Egg


·         Others:


Suggested Reading:


(1)    Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray (you can download this for free or ask me for a copy)


(2)    The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer (you can download this for free or ask me for a copy)


(3)    Transcend:  Beyond the Limits of Discipleship by Matt Smay (I will give you each a copy)


(4)    The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis (you can download this for free or ask me for a copy)


(5)    Forgotten God by Francis Chan