At the foot of the Cross

At the foot of the Cross

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lesson 13: Post-Modern Pagans

Please allow me to state that I was compelled to write this lesson after reading “How to Raise a Pagan Kid in a Christian Home” By: Barrett Johnson I felt there was much more to say on the subject.

Post-Modern Pagans in the American Church

The first Century church went into the world to preach the good news to a pagan world. Not too long afterwards, the pagan world fought back by requiring every good citizen to show their allegiance to Caesar. A true Roman citizen would bow before the statue of Caesar and pay homage to him as “ Dominus et Deus” (master and god) . Some Christians attempted to please both Christ and man by stopping at the foot of the statue to tie their shoe laces.

After reading the article “How to Raise a Pagan Kid in a Christian Home” by Barrett Johnson, it dawned on me that this problem maybe much larger than just with our kids. This next statement here may be the most critical one you read in this article. I believe many well-meaning Bible-believing churches are mentoring seekers into becoming post-modern pagans. The basis of this statement is purely founded on my own experiences and observations—purely anecdotal in nature. But don’t dismiss these observations without examining your own personal experiences because we all have pagan tendencies.

So what is a post-modern pagan? This is not someone who carves an idol out of wood and then worships it, prays to it or gives it sacrifices. A post-modern pagan is one who often looks the part of a true Christian believer, but whose life is so wrapped up in worldly pursuits, hobbies, and consumption of entertainment, that there is no real dimension or depth to their professed faith. If we are one of these pagans then we are shallow when it comes to a sacrificial relationship with God and yet, very deep when it comes to football statistics, social events, latest movies and entertainment groups. We are stoic and sullen in a post-Constantine worship service and hysterically over-joyed at a rock concert or sporting event.

We have barely any memory for Scripture but have memorized every song on the country & western radio. If we know Scripture, it has not turned our lives upside down. It has not motivated us to continually communicate in love the joy of our salvation. Our brains freeze up trying to tell the gospel story or when attempting a testimony of praise but we can rattle off detailed critiques on political issues, current events, or the Friday night playoffs.

Christ knew folks like us well and often rendered His harshest judgments to them. "You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But these testify of me.” He wasn’t looking for people with all the right answers, He was looking for people who wanted to build a close covenant relationship with HIM.

What is a post-modern pagan? Well, it’s quite simple. We all have a bit of pagan in us. Praise be to God we can learn to give over our pagan lives and worship the Creator instead of ourselves. We have been taught to show up and shut up for corporate non-interactive worship. There is no room for emotion or unfettered praise. But we are all pleased to demonstrate our joyous exaltation in seeing someone run across a one-yard line, shoot a monumental deer, catch a fairly decent fish or twirl two batons at one time.

We have misplaced our glory in the cross of Christ and given it to praising narcissistic children or selfish interests. We hear from our own lips a continuous stream of praise for everything but how Christ has transformed the ones we love, “he/she is so smart, so talented, so beautiful, so accomplished.” How does this make us pagan? We have made this life and personal accomplishments our gods.

We worship the created and have not given our lives over to the Creator of the Universe. Our goals and those we have set for our children are devoid of the sacrificial calling we have in Christ Jesus, love for the lost and those in need.

Being good and moral is the fruit of a moral pagan. As Johnson states, “The gospel is not about making bad people moral, but about making dead people alive. If we teach morality without the transforming power of the gospel and the necessity of a life fully surrendered to God's will, then we are raising moral pagans. “

I would add that if we teach morality without sacrificial transformation, we are merely placing a band aid over cancer. It may look good, but the result is certain death. The wearer of such a band aid eventually abandons it, like so many of folks who will eventually abandon their shallow faith.

What is it we want our children to become?

The lesson is simple, if we want them to become concert pianists, then they must practice and dedicate themselves to a daily life at the piano. If we want them to become servants of God, then they must practice and dedicate each day to a life of sacrifice and service. If we want them to become pagan dancers, then….

Maxim: You don’t just wake up one day and become a concert pianist.

We Are What We Practice

How money is budgeted, how time is spent all week long, all year long, how priorities are set, how checklists are made so that we appear “good” may result in nothing to do with depending fully on God, His grace and mercy and lovingly submitting to His call and mission in the world. Where our treasure is, there is our happiness. Where are we when we feel real joy?

A post-modern pagan is one who stoops at the foot of the Cross, but their hearts are far from carrying that cross. Like many first Century Christians who stooped to tie their shoes at the foot of Caesar’s statue so that they appeared to be worshipping him; They comforted themselves by thinking that their hearts were still faithful to Christ. These folks were only deceiving themselves. In like manner, showing up for a Sunday assembly and going through the “shoe-tying” motions only makes for a post-modern kind of self-deception.

When we view Scripture as something to be debated or defended instead of the power of God to revive the dead and to transform and convict, we have a diminutive view of Scripture. We have made winning arguments our god. We have made intellectualism our god.

As a post-modern pagan we may say we believe in God, but live as if we are practicing atheists. We neither trust Him nor rely on Him in daily matters of the heart. He is the “Santa Claus” God we pray to when we want something. 

A pagan’s relationship with God is no different than the relationship we have with a birthday candle wish or wishing on a star. Too often our prayers are merely “punctuation” prayers at the end or beginning of an event—more ritualistic than relational. We have very little understanding of walking moment by moment in a continual prayerful relationship with our God. We go through the motions of making requests but have no intention of stepping out in faith, sight unseen, in loving obedience to the Gospel’s Great Commission. 
Who or what have we made as our object of worship? Let’s be honest in examining ourselves. Here is a list of reflections for us to consider.

1. What we praise is what we worship. When was the last time you made a statement with “I’m so proud of….”? Did it refer to Christ or someone else? (Galatians 6:14) When was the last time you found yourself unable to stop talking about The Lord?

God demands our whole being...not just our mental assent!

2. What we do in our “off-time” tells more about us then what we do on Sunday morning. How have we spent our leisure time this week? (James 1:27; Romans 12:1-2)

3. What we talk about is what we love. Do we love to gossip? Love to expound on our latest purchases, accomplishments, or hobbies? Who or what do we talk about most? Who or what fills our thoughts throughout the day? (Luke 6:45)

4. What we prioritize in our day is what is most important to us. What did we make time for today? What was our favorite activity? What did we think must be accomplished without delay? (Galatians 6:10)

5. What we have faith in is what we depend on. What did we do today that required full faith and dependence on God? Faith in our own abilities? Faith in our own financial status?

Too often, we are “drinking a cocktail that's a mix of the Protestant work ethic, the American dream, and the gospel. And we've intertwined them so completely that we can't tell them apart anymore. Our gospel has become a gospel of following your dreams and being good so God will make all your dreams come true. It's the Oprah god.” (Johnson)

We have become post-modern pagans if we have not crucified ourselves with Christ, denied our fleshly desires, and taken up our cross, our dedicated, committed lives to walk in faith, without sight, believing that God will accomplish His work in us.

We are pagans if we worship, praise, adore, and exalt things created instead of the Creator. We are pagans if we depend on ANYTHING created instead of the Creator. We are moral pagans if we live our lives to please ourselves while trying to look good to others. 
Without transformation by the Holy Spirit and the cutting away of the flesh to make our hearts truly super sensitive to God’s Will (circumcision of the heart), we are leading a carnal, self-indulgent life.

My confession is that I have fought my pagan tendencies most of my life. I am still fighting. I look to those who were once in the faith and now have left, those who are angry, anxious, contentious and poor mentors for a converted pagan. Does our witness produce the type of believer that has become more and more comfortable in their pagan luxuries and life-styles? Do we hold each other accountable for following in the foot steps of our crucified Lord? Have we "little power" (Rev 3:8) because of our lack of devotion and whole-body dedication (soul, mind, heart, and strength) to the God of the Universe?


Who is our master? Who has dominion over our day, moment by moment? Whose priority is the focus of our life? Who do we shout to, cry to, proclaim, stand up for, fall on our knees before, and continually sacrifice to and praise? (Hebrews 13:15-16) Who do we applaud, witness for, and talk about?

If we are pagans then we are not fooling God when we stop by on Sunday to tie our shoes before His Thrown.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lesson 12: Praise & Sacrifice to the One we Love: Chapter 8 Crazy Love

Lesson 13: Praise & Sacrifice to the One we Love: Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Profile of the Obsessed –  This chapter brings us into a better understanding of 2 main ideas: (1) Sacrificial love and (2) Sacrificial praise and acknowledgment of the mercy and grace of God.

Discuss 7 Things to know about someone you want to teach God’s plan for man.  As soon as you understand the answer is "no" to one of these questions, stop there and deal with it. Start where they are.

1. Do they believe in God? If no, then help them to understand why you believe in God.
  • ·         Internal Evidences (proclamations, prophecies, precision, and practicality)
  • ·         External Evidences (power, preservation, protection, price/sacrifice of writers, proliferation, pre-scientific discovery)
  • ·         Scientific Theory 
  • ·         Logic & Apologetics - Pascal

2. Do they believe in Eternity? If no, then help them understand the concept of Eternity (1 divided by 3)
3. Do they believe one day we will be judged by that God? If no, then discuss why you believe in judgment, restitution, accountability, justice.
4. Do they believe that the Bible is the true Word from God…a plan for man? If no, turn back to Internal Evidences and discuss the beauty of God’s Word
5. Do they believe that Jesus came from God to show us God’s Will for our lives? If no, then He was a lunatic, not a “good teachers”.
6. Do they believe that Jesus is the Son of God?  See number 5
7. Do they believe that they are “in Christ”, saved by the blood of the cross? If no, then help them understand how to “get into Christ”. If yes, then examine Scripture as to how salvation takes place for the sin condition. Francis Chan on Baptism: 
If we are truly obsessed with Christ then, according to Crazy Love, we will be obsessed with two responses: (1) Sacrificial Love and (2) Sacrificial Praise for the One who has granted us life. 

I. SACRIFICIAL LOVE: Jesus said that we would be no better than Pharisees if we only showed support and love towards those who already love us.  If we walk in the foot prints of Jesus, our love must go beyond our friends and family to reach the meanest and lowliest.
Quotes from Chapter 8
  • ·         People who are obsessed with Jesus give freely and openly, without censure. Obsessed people love those who hate them and who can never love them back. OUCH!
  • ·         People who are obsessed with Jesus aren’t consumed with their personal safety and comfort above all else. Obsessed people care more about God’s kingdom spreading throughout the earth than their own lives being shielded from pain or distress. OUCH!!!
  • ·         People who are obsessed with Jesus live lives that connect them with the poor in some way or another. Obsessed people believe that Jesus talked about money and the poor so often because it was really important to Him (1John 2:4-6; Matt 16:24-26)
  • ·         Obsessed people are more concerned with obeying God than doing what is expected or fulfilling the status quo. A person who is obsessed with Jesus will do things that don’t always make sense in terms of success or wealth on this earth.  (Luke 14:25-35; Matt 7:13-23; 8:18-22; Rev. 3:1-6)
  • ·         A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the sin of pride is always a battle. Obsessed people know that you can never be “humble enough, “ and so they seek to make themselves less known and Christ more known (Matthew 5:16)
  • ·         People who are obsessed with Jesus do not consider service a burden. Obsessed people take joy in loving God by loving His people (Matt 13:44; John 15:8).
  • ·         Obsessed people are known as givers, not takers. Obsessed people genuinely think that others matter as much as they do, and they are particularly aware of those who are poor around the world (James 2:14-26)
  • ·         A person who is obsessed thinks about heaven frequently. Obsessed people orient their lives around eternity; they are not fixed only on what is here in front of them.
  • ·         A person who is obsessed is characterized by committed, settled, passionate love for God, above and before every other thing and every other being.
  • ·         People who are obsessed are raw with God; they do not attempt to mask the ugliness of their sins or their failures. Obsessed people don’t put it on for God; He is their safe place, where they can be at peace.
  • ·         People who are obsessed with God have an intimate relationship with Him. They are nourished by God’s Word throughout the day because they know that forty minutes on Sunday is not enough to sustain them for a whole week, especially when they will encounter so many distractions and alternative messages.
  • ·         A Person who is obsessed with Jesus is more concerned with his or her character than comfort. Obsessed people know that true joy doesn’t depend on circumstances or environment; it is a gift that must be chosen and cultivated, a gift that ultimately comes from God (James 1:2-4).

2. SACRIFICIAL PRAISE: If you truly love someone you spend time talking to them, edifying them, building them up and supporting their life. 

  • ·         A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the best thing he can do is be faithful to his Savior in every aspect of his life, continually saying, “Thank You!” to God. An obsessed person knows there can never be intimacy if he is always trying to pay God back or work hard enough to be worthy. He revels in his role as child and friend of God.
  • ·         Obsessed people praise God and acknowledge His movement in their lives moment by moment and step by step.
  • ·         Obsessed people can praise God by telling the story of Jesus -- relating His mercy and grace to their own lives.

Audio File--Listen to: “The most important question”

Group Activity:  Sitting in a circle, each person will have 15 seconds to tell a part of the Story of Jesus. The first person who starts will begin with "God loved us so much that He made the world to be a paradise". Each person will add to the story and may go back to add a little more to the person in the circle directly next to them. This is OUR story and should be presented with more than just mere facts, but with an obsessed heart for Jesus. 

FINAL NOTES: Falling in love with Jesus and yearning for His presence in our hearts  is the epitome of the Christian walk. With Jesus on the throne, His Mission will be done in all things.

What is the difference between raising children who “act nice” and raising children who are in love with Christ? Telling the story of Christ in such a way that children will desire to have:  (1) Sacrificial Love for God through obedience and (2) Sacrificial and unconditional Praise for God.

The jest of this article is that folks try to put a band aid on cancer to cover and hide its wretched appearance, but the disease is still eating away at our very being. Helping children to “be nice” and to follow a moral code without sacrificing self on the cross and taking up the mission of Christ is like hiding behind a white-washed tomb.  “The Gospel is not about making bad people moral. It’s about making dead people alive!

“If we teach children to act nice without the transforming power of the Gospel and the necessity of a life fully surrendered to God’s will, then we are raising moral pagans.” Transformation is the key. Not trying harder, but letting Him in! Those who are transformed by the Spirit will follow sacrificially in the footsteps of Jesus and will bear MUCH fruit.

How do you Raise Christian Children in a Christian Home? (Meditate! on this)


This week the Devil knew I was teaching this topic so he hit me really hard. A very difficult situation arose at work for not only for me but my whole tech crew. We had some disappointing news and some misunderstandings and some hurt feelings and some disgusted folks (myself included.) 

But instead of chewing on my anger, I began to praise God. I didn't like how it felt at first, but I remembered one of my favorite verses:  

Ps 22:3 “You are Holy, You inhabit (are married to, abide in) the praises of (Israel) your people.”

Feeling lonely? Feeling defeated? Praise Him! ….and there He is!  ;-)

God was with me! He supported me because I refused to succumb to "a natural man" reaction. In the following day, He showed me His power by setting everything "right" and calming fears and healing wounds. God is great! 


Our homework this week is to study the little paragraph below and to follow its guidelines for producing a testimony of praise. If God lives in the praise of His people, then we need to make sure we are well versed in praising Him among the nations (heathens). These guidelines are taken from the blog post “How to Give a Testimony (of Praise) the RIGHT Way” by Bobby Gilles

“The Psalms provide the pattern for people to express their own thanksgiving, and the structure … is not complicated. The opening declaration (“I will give thanks to the Lord”) contains the reason for the praise (“because he is faithful”); then there is a report of the dilemma that was faced (“I was surrounded by enemies”) and the deliverance (“he heard my prayer” and “he delivered me”); this is followed by the full declaration of praise (“God is faithful to those who love him”); and finally, the conclusion offers a word of encouragement to others (“Seek the LORD while he may be found”). It is not difficult to train folks to construct their own thanksgiving with such a pattern.”
Many people feel uncomfortable giving a testimony. They say, “The minute I open my mouth, I forget what to say. I either ramble on for too long or I don’t say anything.
Teach them how to give an effective, but short, testimony using the psalmic template described above. 

For example:

1.Opening declaration: “I want to thank the Lord today.” Reason for the praise: “He is so good to me.”

2. Dilemma that was faced: “I had open-heart surgery to unblock three arteries.”
3. Deliverance: “God guided the hand of the doctor. It was a long surgery, but I came through.”
4. Full declaration of praise: “God has kept me all these years. He’s prolonged my days here, and I want to use whatever time I have left to magnify His name.”
5. Word of encouragement: “Don’t waste your life on foolish things. You don’t know how much time you have. Seek the Lord’s will for your life, and tell everyone you know about Him.”

HOMEWORK Read below

I. Practice your testimony

II. Practice Sacrificial Love this season


Ok, if you are a Christian and you believe in the birth of Christ, then let's talk seriously about Christmas and how we can imitate God's gift of our Savior.

1. Let's get the first argument out of the way: Whether or not Christ was born in December is of little importance here. Paul says we can hold special days as holy to ourselves (Romans 14:5-6) End of

2. Christmas is not "a magical time of the year". Magic is condemned as evil. Throughout Scripture, in both the Old and New Testaments, all forms of witchcraft and magic are in violation of God's law and are condemned. (Deuteronomy 18:10-16; Leviticus 19:26, 31, 20:27; Acts 13:8-10).

However, Christmas CAN be a time of great blessings and joy with family, friends, and the needy.

3. Moving on: Jesus is no longer a baby and must be remembered (according to Scripture) for His great sacrifice, not the day of His birth. So during the Christmas Holidays, let's become sacrificial instead of greedy consumers. Who NEEDS more "stuff"?

Can we not practice true Christianity and organize our family events around sacrificial love for those who are truly in need? Serving sacrificially brings deep and lasting "joy" to our lives.

Parents, teach your children to look for things that are truly needed by others instead of looking in online catalogs for more "junk" they will not want in 2 weeks.

Let's challenge ourselves, our family members, and our Christian brothers & sisters to kick the materialistic and consumeristic addictions this year.

Sacrificial giving should be the habit of Christ followers if we truly see the Vision of God. Share the Light and share the necessities of life this season. Compassionately look for those who are truly in need.  Become a blessing to others in the Name of the One who blessed us (Matthew 10:42) Resource: Praise:

Crazy Love by Francis Chan,
Multiply by Francis Chan & Mark Beuving
 Transcend by Matt Smay

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Lesson 11: The GREAT COMMISSION: Crazy Love Chapter 7 and Transcending



Taken From Guest post by Nick Barker

We’ve all felt it. That lingering mixed feeling of anxiety and guilt. It comes from sitting next to someone at work for a year without telling them about Jesus. It comes from wanting to invite our neighbors to Missional Community or Sunday morning, but never actually doing it. Why is it that sharing the gospel and inviting others into community are usually accompanied with so much uneasiness? It is vital that we continue to wrestle with these tensions and resolve them.

As we work through how to go about faithfully sharing the gospel, here are some 6 helpful tips for evangelism:

I . Pray
FOR REAL. Spend time praying that the Holy Spirit would lead us on mission. Jesus instructs his disciples to wait for the sending of the Spirit (Acts 1:4-5) before they go out on mission. The same is true for us today. The reality is that no fruit will come from our missional efforts if they aren’t saturated with prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We often discuss how the 1st Century church went “into all the world and spread the Gospel” from house to house. But we often forget to mention that they began each day with the power of Spirit-filled, steadfast, continuous prayer.

Acts 1:14 – steadfast in prayer
Acts 1:24 – they prayed
Acts 2:42- steadfast in prayer
Acts 3:1 – went to the temple to pray
Acts 4:31 – when they had prayed
Acts 6:4 – steadfast in prayer
Acts 9:11 – behold he prays
Acts 9:40 kneeled down and prayed
Acts 10:2, 4 – prayed to God always
Acts 10:9 – housetop to pray
Acts 10:30-31 – hour of prayer
Acts 11:5 – in Joppa praying
Acts 12:5 – prayed earnestly
Acts 12:12 – together praying
Acts 13:3 – fasted and prayed
Acts 14:23 – prayed and fasted
Acts 16:13 – place of prayer
Acts 16:16 – place of prayer
Acts 16:25 –praying and singing
Acts 20:36 – kneeled down and prayed
Acts 21:5 – we prayed
Acts 22:17 – I prayed
Acts 28:8 – prayed & laid hands on him

A community of faith should be in continual prayer. The prayers in Acts were Not Punctuation Prayers that open or close a service or start a meal or a function.

To Begin sharing the Light we Need Continual (Steadfast) Prayers for:
·         Community—fellow laborers with God’s Vision (Luke 10:2)
·         Courage,  (Ephesians 3:16)
·         Patience,  (Galatians 6:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:13)
·         Opportunities for doors to open & to KNOW how to respond (Colossians 4:3-6)
·         Creativity,
·         The devil to stay away from your opportunities and from the soil (planting tares, “Get Behind Me Satan”)
·         The harvest  (John 4:35) good soil for God to germinate the Gospel Response
II. See your Missional Community (MC) as a Team
“When we aim for community we get neither community nor mission. When we aim for mission we get both.” Matt Carter
Work together with your MC on ways to share the gospel. It may be easier and less intimidating for someone else to share the gospel with the co-worker you invited over. Furthermore, we believe that God uses his church to reflect the gospel. This can be done as communities work together to intentionally display and declare the good news.

Jesus sent His disciples out 2 by 2…never alone. (Paul & Barnabas,  Paul & Silas, etc.) Do not think that you are in this alone. Strive to build small group relationships with mission-minded brothers and sisters in Christ where you can share your struggles and where you can ask for wisdom, debrief about your encounters, and gain strength from prayers of agreement.

Practice your testimony, your Gospel sharing techniques, and your story with your MC. Ask them to help you hone your testimony. Be ready to ask questions and to find answers together for ways to better share the message of Christ. Study together, pray together, share and communicate regularly. Keep each other encouraged and uplifted for the work of God.

III. Listen

Mission should be done with the posture of humility and compassion. A tangible way of doing this is actively listening to what people are saying. Knowing a person’s story will allow you a more faithful contextualization of the gospel.

Relational evangelism requires listening, loving, compassion, service, and sharing. Don’t over-share! Find out where they are. What 7 things would you need to know about someone so that you might share the Light more effectively?
IV. Tell the True Story

IS there MORE to life?

So what should we tell people about God? How should we do it? A good place to start is with presenting the overarching story of the Bible. By doing this we’ll be able to proclaim that Jesus is King, that he is working to right every wrong, and that he is restoring every broken part of this earth! Now that is good news!

Can you tell the story? Have you practiced making it meaningful and relevant? Can you express your faith beyond just stating dry facts? Is the “awesomeness” of the Gospel truly believed by you?  Can you express the joy of your salvation? What Scriptures should you know to tell The Story?

Has Christ done a work in your life? Then tell someone! It may be just exactly what they need to hear, to give them faith that God can work in their life, too! God desires our witness, or confession of faith in Him-and that is the greatest Christian testimony of all. God wants you and me to partner with Him in the work He is doing!

Point 1: IS THERE ANXIETY? The reality, is that most of the anxieties that come from evangelism stem from Christians not believing the gospel themselves. Or even worse, they don’t believe that the gospel is good news. When sharing the gospel, tell of the powerful, all knowing God who is on a rescue mission to redeem His Creation!

Point 2: ARE YOU CONNECTED? Those who are connected to the vine will do the works of Christ and greater works because He went to the father. Those connected to the vine will bear much fruit.

Point 3: IT’S NOT US, IT’S GOD: God’s mission in the world is to raise the dead to life and he has chosen us to do the same.  The Father is working and we cannot sit on the sidelines. He wants us connected and engaged to bring others to Him so that we can help them to find the Father. None of us have an excuse.

We put too much emphasis on human ability instead of believing in the power of the Cross. “Paul I decided to know nothing among you except Christ and Him crucified. Not in eloquent words, because that would empty the power of the cross. Eloquence is not what we need. We need faith in the power of the cross.”  Don’t empty the cross of its power! IT’S NOT ME, IT’S GOD who draws all men to Him.

It's Not About Intellect or Debate Skills. In his letter to the Corinthian Church, Paul addresses the heart of Christian witnessing: 

And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)

Point 4: IT’S A LOVE STORY, NOT COLD FACTS. Resolve to just share the simple truth in love…not the cold facts in pride. Do we really believe that the Gospel is amazing and that God will work through simple, weak, testimony? Do we have confidence in the Father and Christ to draw people to Himself? The Power of our Story Rests in Jesus Alone!

A mission-minded man was asked this question, “How do you know if God is working in your life?  That God has placed this person in your path and prepared the soil in his heart.  The man answered, “Well, if God puts them next to me, then I’m going to assume that God placed them there because I have the Light that this person needs.”

Point 5: GOD KNOWS THE HARVEST. Just because you find that nothing is happening doesn’t mean that God is not working. You may only be the planter and someone else may be the one who gets to harvest. I have often prayed for God to allow me to see the harvest…He has often answered that prayer.

We need to stop judging failure and success through numbers. Jeremiah would have been a failure. Isaiah would have been a failure. Noah, Amos, and Malachi, and even Jesus would have been deemed a failure if we think that numbers are how God will judge us. No, it is our faithfulness in declaring the Gospel and our faith to know that God’s word will not return to Him void. He will judge us by whether we deny Him or whether we speak for Him.

Point 6: YOU ARE FOR ME OR AGAINST ME. We have to believe that there is a cosmic battle and we are either in it for Christ or a servant of Satan. Satan has the ability to detract us from our testimony….to shut our mouths, to keep us from declaring the day of the Lord. God has given you a place in the world that only you can fill. He has put you next to those who need to see the Light. He has placed you in a unique position of influence. All it takes is you to have enough faith to step out and walk in His mission.
V. Preach the Gospel to yourself Daily
We constantly need to be reminded of, and be transformed by the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus. As we are sent into the world with the message of life, we must deeply know, delight, contemplate, and give thanks for the gospel. Remember, it is “out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45).

Point 1: Practice praising God… as you walk day by day and moment by moment. Praise is more powerful than what appears to be “self-righteous preaching”. Say this verse OVER & OVER to yourself, “My Holy GOD ABIDES in the PRAISE of His people.”

Psalms 22:3 “You are Holy, God inhabits (is married to, abides in) the praises of “ His people (Israel). 

You desire God to be near you? In you? Then praise Him!

 Point 2: Practice Telling His Story. How would you relate the story of Christ to others?

Research for Parents

According to recent research completed by Dr. Cheryl Crawford, “Kids who cannot articulate their faith are most likely to walk away from it. “ She recommends that families hold discussions with deeper questions like, “So tell me about your relationship with God…” 

Often as parents we have chatty time or what Dr Crawford calls, “non-relevant junk talk” with our kids. Parents not only need to take time to focus on faith talk, deep questions and listening to answers, but to talk to their children about “being on mission for Christ moment by moment.”  Parents should learn to develop their own testimonies and faith talk to model for their children.
Point 3: What we cannot easily talk about, we really do not know or own.  The ease by which we can witness/testify for Christ is a good benchmark of our faith.

  • 1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
  • 1 Corinthians 1:6 4 I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus, 5 that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge, 6 even as the testimony concerning Christ was confirmed in you,
  • 2 Timothy 1:8 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord
  • 1 John 5:11 And the testimony is this; that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
What is your testimony?
VI. Faithfully Expect God to Work
Do we believe that God is doing something through us? Do we believe that we are his agents here on earth? Do we believe that He is going to use us to transform lives?
Here’s what God has brought me to understand in my Christian walk; He not only prepares the soil (situation, people, events, open doors) so we can sow the seed, but He is the one who germinates the seed that we sow.  If our prayers are not as Paul requested,
“praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned;”

…then we will never know the joy of being in the mission of God.

My experiences have been many, but the most memorable was recently when I was “accidentally” taken to a house and found the woman there reading Acts 8 and asking questions about true conversion, transformation, and baptism. No one, save God, could have opened such a wide door. Just as Peter was brought to Cornelius, Philip to the Eunuch, Paul to Lidia, God still brings people into our lives –strategically-- so that we can share the Light. “Lo, I am with you always….”

VII. Practice Sacrificial Love

It is important that you understand that the Missional Calling of the Lord's people is not a part time calling. It is a full out commission for our every day lives. Matthew 28's commission is correctly translated to mean "AS YOU GO into all the World, preach the Gospel". It is an on-going commission with no retirement system. It will take your time, energy, funds, patience, love, commitment  and submission to the Spirit of God. 

We "go" because we are in love with the One who sent us. We share because we cannot stop from speaking the over-flow of our heart. But in the world's eyes, this will look like it is costing a great price. ...and it is! But we have found the Kingdom, something more precious that gold or silver. We have been given gracious, merciful love and we can only return it with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength because He First Loved Us! Praise God. 

“We constantly need to be reminded of, and be transformed by the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus.”

(1) Chapter 8 Crazy Love 
(2) Fill in the 7 things you should know about someone you will teach the Gospel to
(3) Practice telling the Amazing Story of Jesus. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Lesson 10: Crazy Love & Transcend chapters 7

Discussing Chapter 7 Crazy Love and Final Review of Transcend

Click Here: Post for Parents

"By now you've probably realized that you have a distinct choice to make: Just let life happen, which is tantamount to serving God your leftovers, or actively running toward Christ..." with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. 

Worshiping, praising, glorifying, and serving God by sacrificial living is our Calling. 

Christ told a woman, a Samaritan woman, who was NOT a Biblical Greek or Hebrew scholar, that she was to worship God in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). What did He mean? This message was not complicated or cloaked in mystery. It was an answer to "what place do we worship God" and the answer was....continually and everywhere!

Continually walk with Him (aletheia -the Truth, the Way, and the Life) breath by breath (pneuma-Spirit). As we take in a breath, we respond with praise and glory for God. 

May my steps be worship
May my thoughts be praise 
May my words bring honor to your Name

We cannot be pleasing to God if we think about worshiping only in a certain place. We worship God hand in hand, breath by breath, moment by moment and then come together (assemble) to remind each other to continue with our sacrificial living-wholesale surrender-- for the One who sacrificed for us (Hebrews 10:25; 1 Corinthians 11). 

Ask yourself, "What am I doing right now for God that actually requires faith?"

God doesn't call us to be comfortable or safe. He doesn't even call us to place family or friendship, entertainment or hobbies above His Cause. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we have to rely totally upon Him. 

True joy comes from truly trusting in the One who never forsakes. 

John clearly tells us that "whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did" (1 John 2:6). 

But we barely understand just what that looks like in our American, cozy, safe, privileged rich culture. We are the "rich man" and Lazarus is lying in the street cold and naked, dirty and unhealthy, lost and alone.

Idolatry in American Culture

Independence, Consumerism, Materialism and Narcissism are the idols of the American Culture which are creeping into the church making many people "unfruitful" and taking them off-mission. 

Some of our traditions for doing anything other than mission-minded service originated as early as the 4th Century AD.

Click Here for a Quick Review of Constantine's Influence: 8 Points that you should be aware of:

Click Here for video: Going Back to the Bible (Can we shake "traditions" of men?)

RESEARCH for Parents:

According to recent research completed by Dr. Cheryl Crawford, “Kids who cannot articulate their faith are most likely to walk away from it. “ She recommends that families hold discussions with deeper questions like, “So tell me about your relationship with God…” 
Often as parents we have chatty time or what Dr Crawford calls, “non-relevant junk talk” with our kids. Parents not only need to take time to focus on faith talk, deep questions and listening to answers, but to talk to their children about “being on mission for Christ moment by moment.”  Parents should learn to develop their own testimonies and faith talk to model for their children.
What we cannot easily talk about, we really do not know or own.  The ease by which we can witness/testify for Christ is a good benchmark of our faith.
Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
4 I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus, 5 that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge, 6 even as the testimony concerning Christ was confirmed in you,
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord
And the testimony is this; that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
Praying that our children are given opportunities to hone their testimonies while it is not too late.

VIDEO: Just 1 Phone Call - Phil Robertson


  • Read Chapter 7 and finish Transcend 
  • Reflect on, pray about, and then generate responses to these assignments. 

(1) How can we change our "small group" experiences to better reflect the Vision of God?

(2) Read Isaiah 58:2-14 and listen to what God is saying. Listen with your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Soooo much of this passage is what our God still asks of us. His nature has not changed. Bring some reflections to share with the group. 

(3) Practice lifting someone's eyes upward. Hope you can share with us your experience of "stepping out in faith" this week.

Lifting-Eyes Example: 

Jesus slowly lifted the Samaritan woman's cast-down eyes of shame to praising and evangelizing her city for Christ with joy! 

First, He acknowledged her presence. He met her where she was. He engaged her in unexpected conversation. He offered her spiritual refreshment--living water. Her eyes lifted to the mountain top where the Samaritans worshiped. But He did not leave her on the mountain top. Christ lifted her eyes to Heaven and gave her the hope of having a true relationship with God.

These are just some examples of opening an uplifting conversation. Build a relationship first of acknowledgment or trust. Remember to be as natural as you can be. Pray for God to give you the words that you need to use in reflecting His grace. It is not good enough to be benevolent (which may reflect on you). We need to be benevolent in His Name (to reflect on Him). 

NOTE: If you don't like these....bring some of your own to share. Larry West's favorite opening line when someone was complaining was, "I know how you can commit suicide and be resurrected to a new life in the same day" 

Remember: It is our Mission to Plant the Seeds. It is God that germinates the seeds that we plant. So begin praying for those you want to help see the Light.

1. Recognize the marginalized. Open with unconventional conversation (remember it's about Him, not you):
  • I thank God every day for my friendship with you. 
  • What's your story?
  • Who are your heroes?
  • Do you worship?
  • To you, who is Jesus?
  • Do you feel you are fulfilling your purpose in life?

2. Plant the seed that you are a loving servant because of Christ:
  • I serve because He lives
  • I want to help you because I have been so blessed by my Lord
  • Hey, I'm here for you just as Christ is here for you.

3.  Plant the seed that there is so much MORE than what we see, touch, taste or feel: 
  • There is so much more to life than what we see here (suffer here, put up with, observe)
  • I'm so thankful that this is not all there is!
  • When you are ready, God will lift you up. 
  • How do you find meaning or purpose?
  • What is the biggest challenge you face?
  • What do you hope for in the future?

4. Introduce the avenue of prayer:
  • How can I pray for you?
  • Could we pray about that? 
  • May I pray for you about that? 
  • Would you like to pray about that? 
  • Let's pray about that!

5. Introduce the need for grace:
  • Hey, we all mess up. Thank God we can be forgiven.
  • You know we can all start over again through Christ.
6. Introduce the need for faith in God
  • So, what what are your spiritual beliefs?
  • What do you teach your children about spirituality?
  • If you died today, where do you think you would go?