At the foot of the Cross

At the foot of the Cross

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lesson 3: Transformed by Crazy Love - "What are you Steppin' in?"

What are we steppin’ in?

1 John 1:7 " but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin"

Also consider:  

John 12: 42Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; 43for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.”

We walk either in light or darkness and exhibit a corresponding testimony to the world.

The difference between walking in the light and walking in darkness is that Light has a testimony with a high view of God. That testimony reflects peace, joy, love, tenderness, mercy, forgiveness. The dark testimony takes after Satan who is a liar and accuser. He came into Eden tempting Eve to feel discontent. Therefore the dark testimony whines, complains, is full of strife, contention, points fingers, distrusts the working of God in the world and relies of self and self-interests; is prideful and full of lust for the pursuit of one’s own happiness in this world.

Pursuing the American dream is not the same thing as pursuing after God nor is there democracy found in a Kingdom. Kingdom people are slaves in purpose but free in spirit! Kingdom people have a testimony of true peace, mercy, grace, joy, and love. Their witness is powerful because they transcend the cares of this world through the Spirit of the Living God. They are stepping in the Light as they look always upward. (Mark 4:9, Galatians 5:22-26)

To complain, point fingers, accuse, stir up strife, distrust the working of God in the world, to rely on self or self-interests, to be prideful in our own accomplishments or those of other men, full of lust for the pursuit of happiness or status in this world or to chase consumeristic idealism is the testimony of those who step in darkness. (1 John 2:16)

What are we steppin' in?
A high view of God acknowledges His power, grace, mercy, and long-suffering towards us. We confess Him to the world regardless of opposing laws, peers, or circumstances. We stand amazed in His Presence, moment by moment, step by step. We practice being in awe of Him. We remain sensitive to His promptings. We give Him glory in all things. We exhibit trust in Him even while living in a world full of chaos and unwise men.
We recognize that if we walk in the Light, we have fellowship—community with those who practice the high view of God. We become peacemakers yet challenge one another to love and good works. We spur each other onward and upward. We share our faith experiences and provide mentoring where it is needed, compassion where it is needed, support where it is needed; loving service where it is needed.
What are we steppin’ in when we are out of sync with the Vision of God?
If we walk in the Light, we are not absorbed in just fellowshipping and serving the saints. We look outward to the fields white for harvest. We walk by stepping out in faith (unseen, uncharted territory) to answer the commission of Christ and to meet the world where it lives.

One cannot truly mature without a community of faith. Being a part of the body is where we find our challenges for all the “one another” commands. Recluses on mountain tops cannot become servants sitting by themselves. But being only associated with the body does not serve the purpose of our commission. We must reach out, go out, and expand beyond the confines of the fellowship of saints in order to participate as a partner with God in the harvest.
If we walk in the Light, Christ’s blood continually cleanses us from all sin. I am amazed at how many “conditional” statements we choose to ignore in Scripture. God’s promises have always been conditional, though His love for us is unconditional. Our covenant relationship with Him requires a proper response and submission (Romans 8:13). We often get blasĂ© and lazy in our reverence and respect for His Will. “IF” is used over 1500 times in Scripture for conditional promises.
We can know we are saved step by step, IF we walk in the Light. Please keep examining your steps. This is not a yoyo salvation, it is God’s way of asking you to walk in trusting relationship with Him.  We will sin and we will fall, but we don’t stop trusting in the One who loved us enough to provide a continual cleansing. If we were perfect, we would not need a continual cleansing. Praise be to God! Because He provides not only for cleansing past sins but for future one’s as well. 
What are we steppin’ in?
 May we all spend time this week walking in the Light….stepping out in faith (unseen, uncharted territory) for the cause of Christ and the Vision of God. May we practice being in awe of God by acknowledging His power in our life. Guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus and guard your testimony!
Read Chapter 2 Crazy Love
Read Chapter 2 Transcend
Pray for 5 people you would like to see come to Christ.
Start planting seed.

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