At the foot of the Cross

At the foot of the Cross

Thursday, April 25, 2013

2: Lesson - Forgotten God

TAKE-AWAYS from Chapter 1:

A friend came to me to say his daughter was floundering in a college math class. I told him that the only way I made it through college and advanced degrees was by having “study buddies”. He passed this on to his daughter and she is now passing her math class. If it takes study buddies to pass a college math class, it is no surprise that it takes “study buddies” to make it through the Christian Walk (Acts 2:42; Acts 5:42; Titus 2:3; Matthew 28:19-20).  Have we really restored New Testament Christianity?
You know we all have 24 hours in a day. The way we choose to spend those hours proclaims our level of commitment to either the things of this world or to the Kingdom. Please take a little of the time God has blessed you with and converse, communicate, and collaborate with your study buddies. You may include me in any of the questions, concerns and conversations ( ) that you are having. I would love to be included!

In the last words of our Savior as His feet arose from the earth into the Heavens, He gave us this one thing to make our priority:
AS YOU GO into the entire world, MAKE DISCIPLES, baptizing them and MENTORING them in all that I have commanded you. Share the Good News.

(1)   Are we making the Kingdom a priority in all our decisions? “Seek ye first the Kingdom and His righteousness”.
Let’s be honest here, we are being called by God to “make disciples” but our cell phones are too busy to receive His call. The acceptable American life style is to “give our kids all the benefits we didn’t have growing up”. But do they really benefit from all the activities we place them in when we neglect our First Love? Who OWNS time? Who gives us time? Whose time is it anyway? Have we stolen from God?  

The biggest regret you will have as a parent is not preparing your child to serve the Living God and to make His Kingdom the Priority of their Life-style. Within the next decade our nation will no longer have a Christian majority. (remember this video: ) Our children will either endure the persecution and alienation or they will meld into the popular culture. What are we preparing them to do?
Here is how you can answer that question honestly! Make a journal of your days’ activities. Make it for one week. Add up time you spend in purely worldly pursuits and time you have prioritized your Heavenly calling. “Wake up!”

Three songs and a prayer does not make a Spirit-led Christian!
How consumed is our time, money, energy, mind, actions... with things that do not remotely bring glory to God and will not bring us praise from our Savior on that Last Day? Are we being seduced by Babylon?
Consumed by the red line

Too often we have taken our focus off our Heavenly Calling and placed it on our earthly possessions, pursuits, and perceived position in society. We have craved acceptance by the world instead of what is acceptable to God. Do we have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches? Rev 3:22?
Too often we have drained the Blood out of the Gospel. We have taken the Cross out of Christianity. We have covered our lives with comfort and shoved out the pursuit of righteousness for the pursuit of entertainment, popularity, fame, finances, fitting-in, and even being praised by the world. John 12:40-46

Concentrate on the inconsistencies of who we are versus who we should be if we are indeed Spirit-led.

We get caught up the "rat race", keeping up with the Jones, and latest fads and fashion, instead of falling in love with Jesus and accepting His sacrificial life-style. Are we too comfortable?

WATCH Video: Balance Beam

Too often we have become Americanized instead of Spiritualized. We talk about our rights, our freedoms, and our politics more than we talk about our Savior.

If anyone was ever abused it would have been Christ and the 1st Century Christians...yet what do you learn from their examples? Do we even LEARN from their examples?
(2) Are we consumed by a search for righteousness? Don't give me homework in Bible class because I have too much to do. Do you have too much to do? or do we choose to have other things to do?

(3) Are we willing to get alone with God's Word and Wait on The Lord to fill us with His Will? Jesus went into the wilderness 40 days to become filled with God's will for the next phase of His life. Jesus often went away from the business of life to meditate and pray. Are we in less need of this than Christ?

(4) How consumed are we by our time, money, energy, mind, and actions... with things that do not remotely bring glory to God and will not bring us praise from our Savior on that Last Day? Are we being seduced by Babylon?

(5) Are we decidedly more Spirit-filled today than a year ago? Are we making self-sacrificing choices more in tune with the will of God then we did a year ago?

(6) Is "transformation" on the front burner of your hearts?

(7) What did Paul mean when he said, "I have determined to know among you only Christ and Him crucified"?

(8) Does every action of our life have a spiritual priority? Terry Rush said," When my son asked me if he could go to the prom, I asked him why he was going? If he was going to share and glorify Christ, then yes, go. If he was going to mimic the world, then no."

(9) Are we a temple of the Holy Spirit? Why was it advantageous for Jesus to leave and send the Holy Spirit? John 16:14.
John 17: Jesus had to be glorified by His suffering -- crucifixion, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of God. Once He was glorified the Spirit came to glorify Christ --testify in our hearts. If we are spirit-filled, what is our purpose?
  • 1 Corinthians 6:20
  • Romans 15:6;
  • 1 Peter 4:16;
(10) Is there an inconsistency with what Scripture teaches and our walk with God?

Unfortunately, not only do we not suffer as Christians (yet), we don't even want to become a little tiny bit uncomfortable. If you have ears hear what the Spirit says to the church (Rev 3:22) –“Wake up!”
Approx 37 times God warns us to hear what the Spirit says to the the CHURCH! Because many of us are ASLEEP.
  • 1 Cor 15:24
  • Rom 13:11
  • Eph 5:14
Hearing, in our case as Christians, means to get out of our head knowledge and get His Spirit into our Heart knowledge.

 – “Gnosis” - Experiential Knowledge --to know intimately from experience...not just from reading, studying, or even meditating but to know from perceiving His actions on our hearts and in our lives.

--Likewise, “kenosis” is the Greek term meaning "self-emptying". This is what Jesus came to do…to empty himself, his own will and to become entirely receptive to the will of God. Phil 2:6-7. If we are His disciples, His followers, this is the life we are called to.

Are we serious about this Christian walk of self-emptying or are we "playing" church? Are we selling out to Babylon?

When I was a little kid, I remember going out in my garden where there was a stone pillar and pretending to preach to the flowers. I use to bang my fists on the stone pillar and shout unknown words and phrases I had learned from listening to my dad. I was "playing" church. I no more understood what I was saying or what it meant than the flowers did. I was mimicking what I had seen from others...not what I knew to be true. Are we mimicking the “lukewarmness” around us or building an intimate, experiential relationship with the Holy Spirit?

(11) Being a temple of God means what? What do you do in a temple? You praise the one for whom the temple was built. But we spend too much of our time praising each other…praising human talents instead of the one who gave the talents.

It does take EFFORT to live Spirit-led. "I press on" Paul says. "Make every effort to make your election sure" ... EVERY EFFORT!

We often find that our biggest effort is getting everyone dressed and fed and in the car on a Sunday morning...that's our every effort….not at all what Christ had in mind.
(12) Does the Spirit make a difference in my life? If the Spirit left my life today, would I even notice?
Are we a caterpillar or a butterfly? Have you been transformed (“metamorphosis”) Romans 12:1-2? Are we a new creation? Are we different than the world? Have we taken to heart the Will of God as a dedicated disciple of Christ?

(13) Are we comparing ourselves to lukewarm Christians and feeling pretty good about our walk with the Lord?
(14) Are we on the path to blessing or a path to death? Which city are we a citizen of… Babylon or Jerusalem?

(15) Is our picture of Jesus too puny? It is the task of the church to witness how big Jesus high and lifted up He is!  Do we see the greater reality? Are our eyes on Jesus 24/7? Are our ears open to His Spirit?

HOMEWORK (Better Known as Kingdom Preparation)

(1) Read and discuss with Study Buddies Chapter 2 of Forgotten God.

(2) Listen to Revelation Lesson 2. Be ready to compare the two lessons and to discuss how they are related. 

(3) MUST Watch this video: The Holy Spirit’s Power and our Effort.

(4) Be ready to explain “why we need homework”.  Memorize Romans 12:1-2

(5) Bring to class some of your discussion thoughts, questions, ideas, videos you found, and finally, “Wake UP!” as the Spirit leads you into a deeper relationship.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Lesson (1) Introduction and Chapter 1: Forgotten God: Reversing our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit by Francis Chan

UNIQUE RELATIONSHIP with the FATHER: Because each one of us is different in the eyes of God, each one of us has a different way of responding to the Spirit. Though obedience to God's Will is the way we humble ourselves to God, God has a special purpose for each one of us. THEREFORE, it is not our place to judge each other. We will all bear the fruit of the Spirit in our individual and unique walk with God.

It is important as we walk with the Spirit through this study that we NOT become guilt-ridden, but instead, that we gain an internal perspective of what it means to personally yeild to the Spirit of God. This study is all about our unique relationship with the Father.

Part 1 of 5 Video (Click Here) 
  • Clean Your Room Video:

  • Additional Questions:
    Recommended Discussion Questions Chapters 1-3

    Prayer: May God open the eyes of our hearts and minds to His teaching about the Holy Spirit and may He fill us with the fruit of the Spirit to overflowing so that every moment of our lives glorify Him.

    Romans 12:1-2: 12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect

    The early church met daily from house to house teaching and sharing with each other the Will of God. If we want to grow to more and more like the early church, then we should learn to share daily with each other. You will have the opportunity to find 2 more folks to work with as Study Buddies. You should decide how best you wish to communicate with each other (phone, text, Facebook, email, having lunch together or Wednesday evening meals). These forms of communication should become ways for you to express your Spirit-filled lives instead of ego-centric, narcissistic platforms that merely promote “self”.

    You are challenged to communicate at least twice a week on several of the following:
    (1) Investigate a term, idea, or Scripture and discuss it in detail. Be ready to share what you have discussed in class. (Acts 2:42-47)
    (2) Create at least one reflection and question for next week's class.
    (3) Challenge each other with a real-world application about something that you have read. Be willing to share your experiences. (James 2:14-24)

    READ: Introduction and Chapter 1: 


    You may not be able to answer the following questions completely at this point, so we will continue to ask the same questions over and over as we work through this study. As you learn more about the Holy Spirit, we are hoping that your answers will change or at least become more explicit. These questions are not to make us feel guilty. We ask these questions to help us become the "transformed" people of God.

    Questions for your consideration:

    (1) What is the benchmark of a Spirit-lead church? What evidence might you be looking for?

    Suggested Reading: Galatians 5:13-26

    (2) How do most Christians rectify the discrepancy between what they see in Scripture and what they see in their own Christian walk?

    Suggested Reading: Matthew 5:20; Matthew 7:5; Matthew 23:13-23 and Romans 12:1-2

    (3) Why is the Holy Spirit vital to our lives today?

    Suggested Reading: Ephesians 1:17-19; Ephesians 3:16-20

    (4) What is wrong with the statement: "I want to find a healthy balance between extremes"?

    Suggested Reading: Revelation 3:16

    (5) What are the "dangers" of opening our hearts and lives to His presence and actions more fully than we have ever done before?

    Suggested Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:17; John 18:36; Philippians 3:13-15

    (6) Can you give some illustrations of where you have "cut and pasted" verses together which might need to be re-evaluated?

    Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 14:40; John 4:23

    (7) Why is application of God's Word vital? How do Spirit-led Christians respond to God's Word?

    Suggested Reading: Matthew 18:4; Micah 6:8

    (8) In today's world we have come to judge almost everything by our material, consumeristic standards. We judge our success by what "we" have accomplished. We teach our children to judge themselves by the sports "they" can play, the grades "they" make, the talents "they" possess, and by the entertainment "they" have been privileged to participate in. How would a Spirit-led family do this differently?

    Suggested Reading: Acts 2:46-47; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Ephesians 4:17; John 15:5; James 1; Colossians 3:23-24; John 5:30;  Philippians 2:3  

    (9) Why do you think people who have once been involved in a church, leave not only the congregation, but God altogether?

    Suggested Reading: Romans 8; Hebrews 3:7-8

    (10) I used to say that "selfishness" (self-centeredness) was the root of all the problems in the world...that that statement did not give hope or a solution. A better way of putting this would be to say that  the "lack of submitting to the Holy Spirit" is the root of all problems. How is this demonstrated in our churches? In our lives?

    Suggested Reading: Ephesians 5:14-18; Romans 13:14

    (11) Submitting to the Holy Spirit includes examining our cultural biases. Are you willing to examine every aspect of your faith? Every assumption and cultural norm that you have accepted as being the Will of God? Give examples of assumptions you have made in the past.

    (12) Why did Jesus send "another Counselor"?

    Suggested Reading: John 14:16; John 16: 8-9, 14;

    (13) If the Counselor exists in our hearts, what supernatural traits should we exhibit on a daily basis?

    Suggested Reading: Galatians 5:22-23

    For Discussion Read:

    1 Corintians 2:12-15
    12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments,

    TAKE-AWAY:  We will either be God-filled and transformed by submission to the Holy Spirit now or we will get our own way. We can either have a relationship with God now or not. Christ will not coerce us into surrendering and on the last day, He will get out of the way and let us reap the reward that is devoid of Him.