The Sin of Self-sufficiency:
When we walk by faith and not by sight, we commit to believing that Jehovah-Jireh is able and powerful enough to handle all situations, is involved in our lives, and protects us if we take refuge in Him. (Nahum 1:7)
When Abraham walked by faith, he used his "faith talk" to proclaim his deep abiding certainty that God would provide a sacrifice in place of his son. (Genesis 22:12-14). What faith! God seeks those who will put undying faith in Him to show His mercy through providing all that is needed (above and beyond what we can even dream).
We can often acknowledge in our hearts that God is our provider, but we have not often learned to practice acknowledging Him with our lips. Do not discount the necessity to express your faith even BEFORE the Lord provides. Give your lips (Hebrews 13:15) over to praising God before the mercy and grace is even "seen". Practice your "faith talk" openly and consistently so that those near you (family, friends, peers, co-workers) can hear how moment-by-moment you rely on God just as Abraham did in the presence of Isaac. Abraham conquered the fears of his own heart and that of his son's by outwardly acknowledging God's ability to provide in even difficult situations. (Romans 8:37)
In ALL your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:6)
Too many public speakers in our assemblies talk about the "talent" and "hard work" done by those in our fellowship and completely ignore the power of God working to do His Will. If we are truly servants of Christ, then we must always proclaim His rule and power without reference to our meager attempts to serve Him. Please take time to change these sentences below into words of praise to Jehovah-Jireh.
The following sentences have been heard from a local pulpit in just the past few weeks.How would you change them, if you could.
(1) We have such great talent in this congregation. We always have someone ready and willing to accomplish the tasks needed.
(2) This congregation is truly involved in many great works including mission work, benevolent work, Bible study, and missions. If you want to work for the Lord, you have found your home!
(3) We want to thank our staff for the fine work they have accomplished in the past year. We have some very dedicated people who take on many great projects and help others get involved.
(4) Did you hear that singing! It was just beautiful. Thank you all for participating in today's worship.
(5) We have some great parents and teachers who work with our young people during the Leadership Training for Christ events. This takes a lot of commitment on their part and we are thankful for their patience and time.
Hopefully, you are seeing an anemic pattern emerge in these statements and unfortunately, if we do not repent, you will continue to see this pattern in many more statements to come. When we leave God's presence and power out of our faithless speech, we drain His power out of our lives. Paul gained strength from fellowshipping with believers who used their faith talk to encourage him (Romans 1:12)
How can I become encouraged by your faith if I never hear you speak about your faith in Jehovah Jireh? What is missing in a "come together" service, if I don't get to hear what God is doing in your life so as to strengthen me and vice versa? Did I come to the "assembly" to hear only announcements about what "we are doing"? How does this empower me to become transformed by faith in the All-powerful, Ever-present Supreme Provider?
Lord, forgive us when our speach places us in the position of master instead of slave. May our speach be, "I will do such and such, if the Lord wills and only through His power and only for His glory because it is only through Him that we live, and move and have our very beting, Amen."
We Must Change the Way We have always done business by Honing Our Faith Talk.
Lord help me:
- To Acknowledge You in ALL my ways
- To Boldly Raise my Hands in honor and praise to You
- To Fall on my Knees and Worship You
- To Give you my Whole Being, not just my Mind
- To Submit to the Transforming Power of Your Spirit
- To Shout for Joy and Proclaim your Name Among the Nations
- To Be REAL in my Respect and Service to others
- To Use my Lips only to Glorify You.
- To Become Humble and Loving in the Image of Your Son
- To Walk in Faith moment-by-moment with Jehovah Jireh.