In 1 Corinthians chapers 1 & 2, Paul describes three kinds of men: (1) Natural Man, (2) Spiritual Man, and (3) Carnal Man (1 Corinthians 2:14; 3:1, Galatians 6:1)
---Are all Christians spiritual? (1 Corinthians 3:1) What term is used to refer to non-spiritual Christians?
---Does going through spiritual activities make you spiritual? (1 Corinthians 10:1-5)
---What is the difference between Ritual and Relationship?
---What does it mean to be "spiritual"? (2 Corinthians 4:18-5:1)
A Spiritual Person is shaped by their convictions, by that which is ETERNAL, (Eph 6: 10-12) and to that which they are ATTUNED to such as unseen realities. (I KNOW whom I have believed")
A Spiritual Person connects their material lives with their spiritual convictions. The hallmarks of a spiritual person are strength and knowledge (dunamis & epignosis) to rise above temptation and to act on their convictions.
As spiritul beings we must trust in the Power of God to fill us as we SURRENDER & SUBMIT to the WILL of GOD.
A metaphor for the spiritual heart is a two-chambered room. One of those rooms is a throne room and one is a crucifixion chamber. You are either on the Cross and Christ is on the Throne OR You are on the Throne and Christ is on the Cross in your spiritual heart.
(*) Surrender and Submit: Take up your cross daily and follow Him. The mercy of the cross and the grace given us through Jesus Christ demands that we slay ourselves daily, to become SLAVES to the will of God.
What "rights" do SLAVES have?
Do Americans VALUE humility and/or independence? Watch excerp from The Last of the Mohicans.
To be in the right relationship with God we must understand His WILL. As followers of Christ, we believe the Scriptures enlighten us through the Spirit, mediataion, and prayer. Revealed clearly in the Scriptures are explainations of the different aspects of the Will of God. Below are some examples for our considertation.
- God has a Sovereign Will (Ultimate Will): Rev 5:13, Dan 4:3; 7:14, and Ephesians 1:21 describe the Sovereign Will of God. The Ultimate Will of God will judge the world and all the Hosts of Heaven.
- God has a Cosmic Will, a will for the stars in the sky, man, and the birds of the air. Isaiah 34:4 This is the will that PROVIDES (Provisional Will) natural law, order, and holds the Universe in its place.
- God has a Universal Will, a will that delivered His Son into the hands of blasphemers to die so that all men might be saved. It is God's Universal Will that desires that all men come to know Him and be saved through His Son's sacrifice and resurrection. Acts 17:30; Matthew 18:14; 2 Peter 3:9.
- God has a Permissive Will, a will that allows every soul to have a choice about who they will serve. God did not make us robots. He gave us ONE RIGHT, the right to choose. Joshua 24:15
- God has an Active (Interactive) Will that intercedes, allows God to change His mind and answers prayers delivered in the name of His Son. Jonah 3:10; John 14:13
We often use the term "providencial" to describe the Will of God. But this term is only used one time in the New Testament and not in reference to God.
Under what circumstances is it used? (Acts 24:1-3) Is "providence" ever used in reference to the Will or Power of God? Then why do some use it to describe how God "works" in our lives?
--Why not use the phrase "provision or supply of the Spirit of Christ" (Philippians 1:19-21)? To acknowledge that the Spirit of Christ actively and continually provides for us according to the will of God.
FOR OUR HOMEWORK: (Contributed by Ruth Ann Morgan)
The Evidence of Brokenness: Read and Reflect on these pages. They will help you determine APPLICATION for what we have been talking about.